Break Time

In my last email, I said the topic for this next one would be "medieval computers" – I planned on showcasing a 80s/90s retro tech magazine illustration trend for combining the then-cutting edge personal computer with medieval and fantasy themes.
But it turns out that I really needed the Internet Archive in order to research. The Archive is not just a vital cultural resource that's still recovering from a hack a couple weeks ago; it's also particularly great for old tech magazine scans.
Hopefully the site will make a full recovery. Until then, none of the 20 links I need are working.
So I figured "taking a break" would be a good theme to cover instead. Not only are we taking a quick break from artwork itself this issue, but we'll be looking entirely at photos of other people taking breaks. Specifically, people on the sets of famous fantasy and sci-fi movies.
Everyone who never knows what image to use for the final "Q&A" slide of a PowerPoint presentation... this one's for you.

You can check the alt text for quick descriptions of the actors and films.

Alien (1979) has quite a few appearances – Here's a few more, including one of my favorites: This one featuring a bearded Ridley Scott and, to the right, designer HR Giger, both watching as another guy gives the Xenomorph a smoke.

Of course, the original Star Wars trilogy pops up a lot, as well. These next three are all from the Return of the Jedi set.

Finally, an honorable mention goes to this image, which I screened out after realizing it's actually depicting a cool miniature, designed by this creator.

Next Time: Alien Landscapes